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Erosion Control Permit Application Process

RVSS issues different types of erosion control permits depending on a project's area of land disturbance. Erosion control permits are only issued for projects located in the RVSS MS4 Boundary

Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Permits and Fees

*Total Disturbed Area/Ground

ESC Permit Required

Initial Fee

Annual Fee

7,000sf to 0.99 acres

Medium Storm Drain Protection Permit (SDPP-M)



1.0 to 4.99 acres

RVSS ESC Permit for 1-5 Acres (DEQ 1200-CN)



5.0+ acres

RVSS ESC Permit for 5+ Acres (DEQ 1200-C)



* Land disturbance through construction activities, such as clearing, grading, excavating, grubbing, stumping, and demolition. Remember to count the size of the entire project whether in a single or in a multiphase project. This applies even if you are responsible for only a small portion of the larger project planned over time.

** DEQ will issue Renewal Notice and collect annual renewal fees for 1200-C permits.

Note: Plan submittal, review, and approval of projects that include Sewer Main, Stormwater Management, and Erosion Control, or a combination thereof, will be combined if required on a common project, i.e. all plans, calculations, documents, etc… must be submitted together and will be approved for construction at the same time.

ESC Permit Submittal and Termination Process

Step 1. Permit Application and Submittal

Construction activities are not authorized until the ESC permit has been issued.  Required application documents vary for each permit type and can be found below.  ESC permit applications must be complete and submitted to RVSS in electronic format to the Stormwater Program Coordinator, Benjamin Poaster at  More information on 1200C permitting and Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) preparation can be found on DEQ’s website

  • Medium Site Storm Drain Protection Permit (SDPP-M) Projects that disturb 7000sf or more require the review of a site-specific ESCP and an application. 


RVSS Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector Certification:  In order to obtain a 1200C/CN permit, you must have a certified Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector listed on your application. Certification is acquired through attendance and passage of an erosion and sediment control inspector class recognized by the DEQ.

RVSS offers Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Inspector Certification classes two times each year, usually in late spring and fall.  Class dates are generally set one month ahead of time and posted on the RVSS event calendar. RVSS maintains a list of individuals currently certified through our class only.


Step 2. Plan Review

A standard plan review and submittal process will be implemented until all RVSS comments have been addressed and the ESCP meets DEQ and RVSS standards. 


Step 3. Plan Approval, Project Fees, and Administrative Process 

A Plan Approval Letter will be issued along with a Project Invoice. The Plan approval letter states that the ESCP and associated documents are in general conformance with RVSS standards. 

A 14-day comment period is required with DEQ prior to permit issuance for projects that disturb over 5 acres (1200-C).  RVSS will submit this to DEQ with Plan Approval, no action is required by the applicant.  DEQ will give a permit assignment letter to RVSS at the completion of the comment period.


Step 4. ESC Permit Issue / Construction Authorization

If the project only requires an ESC permit, the permit will be issued once the project invoice is paid.

If the project has Sewer or Stormwater Management requirements, the permit will be issued with the Construction Authorization Letter once all conditions of the Plan Approval Letter are complete.  The Construction Authorization Letter notifies the development team that the project is approved for construction. 

It is the responsibility of the developer/applicant to send the ESC Permit and Construction Authorization Letter to the appropriate agencies as notification that the project has been approved for construction by RVSS.

The following documents will be issued by RVSS depending on the type of ESC Permit Issued:

  • SDPP-M:
    • SDPP-M Permit
  • Projects Disturbing 1-5 Acres: 1200-CN
    • RVSS ESC Permit (1-5 Acres)
    • DEQ 1200-CN General Permit
  • Projects Disturbing 5+ Acres: 1200-C
    • DEQ 1200-C Permit Assignment Letter
    • RVSS ESC Permit (5+ Acres)
    • DEQ 1200-C General Permit

Step 5. Pre-Construction Meeting 

For SDPP-M, 1200-C/CN permits, a pre-construction meeting must be scheduled and held on site to verify proper installation of best management practices (BMPs) prior to starting construction.  All BMPs must be installed prior to scheduling this meeting, no other ground disturbing activities can be conducted until the BMPs are approved by the RVSS inspector at the pre-construction meeting.  Pre-construction meetings can be scheduled by calling the RVSS office at 541-664-6300. 


Step 6. Permit Termination or Transfer

Note: The project erosion control permit must be terminated per the following process and may remain active after final acceptance of infrastructure (i.e. Sewer or Stormwater Facility) is provided by RVSS.

Termination Process: Notify RVSS when your project is complete and ready for final inspection and permit termination.

  • SDPP-S/M: Send email notification to RVSS.  You will receive a confirmation email back.
  • 1200-C/CN permits: Submit Notice of Termination (NOT) form to RVSS.  After the final inspection, RVSS will close the permit with DEQ and 1200-C/CN permittees will receive a Termination Letter.

Note: If the project has Sewer or Stormwater Management requirements, the conditions of the signed Project Agreement must be complied with during and after construction. Once all requirements of the project agreement have been met, a project Acceptance Letter will be issued.  It is the responsibility of the developer/applicant to send the project Acceptance Letter to the appropriate agencies as notification that all RVSS requirements have been met.  The termination letter will not be issued until all other RVSS site requirements have been met.

Permit Transfer:  1200-C/CN permits will be transferred when the original applicant is no longer responsible for the project.  Complete the transfer form and submit to RVSS.  SDPP-S/M permits can’t be transferred, the new owner must resubmit an application form.